Research (part 2)

  The type of movie my group members and I intend on doing is a combo or horror and comedy.. And yes! I said my group members and I, I finally decided on working in a group. Our film's theme is "there are good times and bad times, but you have to be ready and prepared at all times". The characters' style will be modern, they will look like the everyday people you see in life now.. Whether they are young or old.

  Other movies similar to our film idea (like "scary movie": opening sequences look like the movie will be hilarious but a slightly frightening. In the example "scary movie", a man is on the phone trying to scare the female he is preying on. But she is clueless and quite ignorant so her responses/questions are dumb and funny, which makes the viewers laugh. The opening sequences are kind of like trailers... The characters and directors try to give us a hint on what the movie is about while we are getting into it so we won't be completely lost throughout the whole movie. The setting and area of the other films similar to my groups film is usually in the person's home or a dark location where it is just them in the killer, or some friends and a killer is trying to kill them all. The movies are usually filmed at night so it is dark which sets the scary mood for the horror/comedy movie.

    The intended audience for my group's film is actually anyone that lived through 2020 because they would understand. But if I was being specific I would say 14-27 because that is the average statistic age audience that watches comedy and horror movies and shows. I will get them to watch the movie by including plenty of things and events they went through as well so they can relate to the film.

    Usually the titles for my type of film are big dark and mainly bloody like having blood edited on to the letters dripping off the titles. The specific type of fonts are usually "ITC Serif Gothic Heavy" making the titles grade the audience's attention and standing out. The type of information that show be included as well in the titles is the directors', important/ star actors/actress, the studio that produced the movie, and the distributors' of the film names. 

    Different social groups like students, and friends and different races/genders are represented and stereotyped differently... Like students and friends want to stay together and some turn their backs on the others trying to save only themselves, African Americans don't want to die and are very aware of their surroundings because of that. And White people (specially blondes) are the type to go look for the problem or where the noise that the killer is making to lure the characters out of their safe environment, and males are usually the person that is trying to protect everyone while the females are usually scared out of their minds.



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