Research and Planning ..

    I've been doing a lot of thinking and researching. And I feel as if my best genre choice for the type of film I have in mind would be a documentary. But you can never be too sure, so I'm still debating on my final decision. It may take a while, possibly a couple days to come to a final decision.. But the second I figure out which genre I'm doing for sure, I'm getting straight to work.

    I watched a few short films slightly similar to my idea, because there was not really any examples on the idea I have for my film.. Due to the fact it's kind of a new topic to the community and creative. In all honesty, I truly love my idea but I'm not really sure I'll be able to pull it off due to my environment and not having the proper tools or for say equipment.. I really want to just tell you guys, but UGHHH!! I don't want to spoil the surprise :(. If I don't feel like my original idea is going to come out the way I plan it to in the following week, I have a back up plan. So, I'll replace my original plan with my back up plan. 

    A few documentaries I took a look at were "The way I see it", "I am not your negro" and "The mask you live in" and about two more but I don't remember the names and I can't find them. I still have not decided on whether I'm going to work inside a group or not yet. By Friday I will come to a final decision for whether I'm working in a group or not and decide on the final genre for the film. I can't wait to start actually working on my film although it may be stressful, I'm still quite exhilarated :)!!





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