Introduction :)

    Heyy!! Jadha Sunderland here. First, I would like to thank you for choosing to open my blog. I am truly honored :), I promise you that you won't regret it! Second, I would just like to inform you that from the second you opened my blog and as you are reading.. I am slowly allowing you to enter my mind space and see things in this problematical but picturesque world the way I do. 

    During this process I will be exploring the different ways and steps of forming my current project. That you will get to be a part of, because I will be blogging every last part from beginning to end! Including every struggle, every complication to every success and great idea. Every idea will be my original thoughts and work.. My project will be to make a two minute film, at the end of this journey I will share my final decisions for the film. I hope you are as excited as I am! 


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